Cargo survey2


PETCOM I.I.S. provides a large variety of services including cargo verification and supervision during shipping or loading/discharge and storage . We assure that the products meet contractual and legal regulation, that they are in accordance with technical specifications and also, if we the products do not meet these conditions, we will identify any irregularities regarding the products at the moment of inspection. 

PETCOM I.I.S. will assist in order to minimize irregularities, reduces complaints and shipment delays . Our independent inspection services will help you to correctly and favorably manage the risks of you businesses, and guarantees that the products are in accordance with quality specifications and shipped as per instructions to their destination.

PETCOM I.I.S. provides a large variety of inspection services supported by high professionally qualified inspectors for the bellow mentioned categories of products. 

Oil , petrochemical and chemical products
Liquefied Gas
Coal and ore
Steel and iron products
Agricultural products and food
Other products

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